LA: Lawmakers, investigators working on ways to prevent sex crimes against children

Source: 2/14/23

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) – Louisiana leaders are reporting a sharp increase in the amount of sex crimes committed against children.

At a special committee meeting Tuesday, Feb. 14, one investigator described the fight as “a war the state is losing.”

“There are so many cases it’s a tidal wave of tragedy,” said Davis Ferris, an investigator from the Attorney General’s office.

Ferris says the state’s six cybercrime agents are working close to 6000 cases on top of new ones coming in every day. State leaders believe that number has tripled since the start of the pandemic.” They ran four search warrants today. They are making arrest. They are doing the best they can to save these children. What’s their reward? They get to go back and see the 50 more cases that were assigned to them today,” said Ferris.

Lawmakers are actively working to address the problem through a task force led by Sen. Regina Barrow.

Barrow sponsored a bill a year ago that would have allowed for the surgical castration of sex offenders whose victims were younger than 13.

After the bill failed to pass, Barrow decided to form a committee to examine the best ways to better protect our kids.

“This whole world that we’re living in now is totally different from the world we grew up in,” said Barrow.

”We have to get them more. We have to get them more,” said Barrow.

Barrow says we have to take a more proactive approach.

That includes educating parents and kids about the different signs to look out for, especially when it comes to the dangers that are online.

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What does it tell you when proactive sex offense measures seem to only be considered when their most extreme punitive measures fail?

Yes, the reason is the All-American view of quick fixes and easy lies.

On the positive side, at least they are finally considering it.

The really good news: If they actually become proactive in the future, and if the results prove a decline in sex offenses, then that will reveal the lie that registries are the solution, which…drum roll…could mean a domino effect that results in the end of registries!

When we talk to legislators let’s remember to mention this article!

This proves the point that Catherine Carpenter made about, wanting more ordinances.

I was told the registry was the solution to these crimes.

News flash…there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent sex crimes or any other crime. People are going to do dumb stuff regardless of any laws in place.
And for the record, its not registrants who are out committing these “50” sex crimes every day. Its teachers, coaches, family members, police, health care workers who are not on the registry.
But we already know that, don’t we?

A tidal wave of cases. Boys and girls, that’s just the beginning. We’ve seen lawlessness go up in just about every way, so this should come as no surprise. Nobody wants to hear the answers, however.

Are there really 6000 monsters out there that need to be castrated or killed as Ron Desantis suggests? Better fire up the gas chambers and keep them lit if that’s your view, because 50 more will be coming tomorrow. If you elect to go down that path, however, just be warned: history will ultimately judge your actions, and will your conduct stand the scrutiny of time?

Is there still any rational person out there who is willing to consider that the problem of sexual offending goes much deeper, and is more a problem of us, rather than them?

I feel bad for any victims that do not support Registries. But the rest of the immoral people can go f*ck themselves. They deserve what they get. They should just go pass some more Registry laws and call it done.

Registry A***oles/Supporters/Terrorists must reap what they sow.

“This whole world that we’re living in now is totally different from the world we grew up in,” said Barrow.

That statement is patently FALSE It’s not worse today at all. It’s a subjective opinion to even claim so. Actually, It’s the media that’s hammering more sensationalism today making things APPEAR to be worse.

No, Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.

Go back to your coup with your performative outrage.

Ferris says the state’s six cybercrime agents are working close to 6000 cases on top of new ones coming in every day. State leaders believe that number has tripled since the start of the pandemic.”

So there was an increase in online crimes during the pandemic when many people were stuck at home — working, shopping, learning (?), zooming, and otherwise interacting with the outside world. And (surprise!) more people looked at images they should not have or interacted with people in ways they should not have. This is not surprising. I wonder how many of these “cybercrimes” were truly malicious or just committed out of a sense of boredom or curiosity.

Prevention“?? 🤔🤨😒
LE, lawmakers and media seem to routinely, intentionally confused prosecution with prevention. Yes, if a perpetrator is arrested, he/she is no longer in the environment where the abuse occurred. But that is certainly not the same as real, genuine, proactive pre-offense prevention (such as the counseling services available in some European countries where potential offenders can seek counseling to help prevent a sexual offense before it occurs, not arresting the perpetrator afterwards.) 🙄